by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy


Organization type

Private, For Profit


WCAG 2.1 AA compliant

Security Standards

GDPR and ISO2700 Type 1 compliant, ISAE3000 certified

Assembly Voting

Assembly Voting provides fully documented End-to-End verifiable election solutions for digital scheduled elections, online Conference Voting, and hybrid elections. The systems are offered as managed service, SaaS, and as plug-in integration in existing ecosystems. The company’s core technological focus is on creating systems in which the entire voting process can be proven secure from start to finish. Assembly Voting offers two core products Assembly Voting X and Assembly Conference Voting. Assembly Voting X is their full-service online election solution package. The voting system is end-to-end verifiable, meaning every part of the online election process can be checked and verified by election officials and independent parties, with full documentation provided by the software. Furthermore, all their encryption technologies are available as open-source software to ensure transparency and enable independent auditing. Assembly Conference Voting is a user-friendly and secure all-in-one digital or hybrid meeting system made for government bodies, professional associations, political parties or NGO's, with integration of secure online voting. Based out of Denmark, Assembly Voting has become one of the most widely used providers of digital election solutions in Northern Europe.


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