by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy


Main Functions

Organization type


Pricing Scheme


Security Standards

GDPR compliant


OpenPetition is an online petition platform with the goal of protecting the freedom to petition as well as expanding digital participation opportunities across the European Union and beyond. Its headquarters are in Berlin, Germany. They also seek a right to political participation once a petition has amassed a predetermined threshold of signatures. To this purpose, they maintain communication with national and local governmental authorities in Germany as well as throughout Europe. Their uniqueness lies in this open channel with government officials. When the quorum of a petition is reached, openPetition requests a public declaration from each elected official in the area. The platform is customizable only to the extent that the petition can be tailored to the user's needs, with the possibility of uploading pictures and videos. OpenPetitions' team also offers support and advice for new petition-makers.

By openPetition gGmbH

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