by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy


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Security Standards

GDPR compliant

Mon Avis Citoyen

Mon Avis Citoyen is a citizen engagement platform leveraging digital technology to conduct proactive and continuous citizen outreach; it adheres to GDPR regulations while consistently surveying citizens to provide local decision-makers with valuable insights. Utilising real-time AI analysis, the platform categorises and evaluates spontaneous expressions from citizens, allowing for a deeper understanding of their sentiments. Mon Avis Citoyen encourages citizen participation in local affairs through consultations and surveys, fostering a strong connection between communities and their residents. The platform remains apolitical and non-partisan, working with municipalities of all political affiliations, and strives to empower citizens by providing an open forum for expression and allowing them the freedom to voice their thoughts on various matters unlike traditional polls. The platform contains features such as the citizen barometer for real-time access to resident expressions and analysis, the engagement platform for personalised communication and dialogue, customised surveys analysed by AI, consultations for collaborative decision-making, and the effortless implementation of participatory budgets. Mon Avis Citoyen serves as a comprehensive platform that facilitates citizen involvement and ultimately contributes to the improvement of local policies and enhances the overall quality of life for all. Mon Avis Citoyen is based in Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.

By MonAvisCitoyen

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