Author: Matt Stempeck

Matt Stempeck curates the Civic Tech Field Guide, the most comprehensive collection of democracy tech projects in the world. He's also Librarian of Newspeak House, an independent college of political technology in London. Previously, Matt was Technologist in Residence at Cornell Tech, where he helped launch the Siegel PiTech Impact Fellowship, which embeds highly technical PhD students with public interest organizations. In 2016, Matt led the Digital Mobilization team at Hillary for America. Matt also served as Director of Civic Technology at Microsoft in New York City. Matt became / earned a Master of Science at the MIT Media Lab’s Center for Civic Media, where he created an award-winning app to fight digital misinformation, one of the first. Matt also holds a Bachelor of Arts with high honors from the University of Maryland College Park, where he wrote his undergraduate thesis on the disruption participatory media brought to political journalism. Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, Matt's now based in Lisbon, Portugal.