by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy



Organization type


Security Standards

GDPR compliant

Stateless Phone Bank System

The Stateless Phone Bank System is designed for political campaigns to manage live phone call campaigns in an efficient and privacy-oriented way. The system automatically distributes phone numbers to volunteers/campaigners one at a time. The solution enables the rapid scaling of phone call campaigns, as the software adapts to the individual volunteer's throughput, while protecting privacy by guaranteeing that only the minimal information, required for making the call, is displayed. The system consists of two parts for campaigners. First, after selecting the campaign the user can see basic information about the contact, including the phone number. Second, the user fills in a simple survey. The System is designed to be intuitive for users, in order to minimize required training. It is built as a web application that can be used on a desktop and a smartphone in parallel. Based out of Hungary, Stateless is an independent (not party or investor owned) technology company focusing on improving up the technological capabilities of pro-democracy parties in Europe.

By Stateless

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