by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy

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nVotes is a piece of open-source software developed by a small team of Spanish programmers and tech activists that allows members of any organisation to vote online. Its offices are based in Madrid. The tool was developed in 2011 to meet the growing demand for secure voting systems that leverage the reach of the Internet. Since then, the software has been used by Spanish parties such as Compromis and Podemos, the Norwegian Sosialistisk Venstreparti, as well as police unions, municipal administrations, and professional associations. The system has embedded security features and best practices which make it a reliable and easy-to-use tool. For each election project, a customisable, independent web-page can be created. Furthermore, the software allows for multiple authentications and signature mechanisms, including offline and online voter registration, one-time SMS authentication codes, email or postal delivery of authentication codes, government-issued digital certificates or smart cards, as well as hardware tokens such as FIDO U2F tokens. Agora voting offers the possibility to set up on-site electronic voting.

By Agora Voting

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