by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy


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The CommonPlace Platform

CommonPlace is an online bulletin platform developed by the Laboratory for Civic Technology that aims to facilitate local community engagement. The platform is open source and not-for-profit, and it provides each town with its own CommonPlace which can be hosted on the town's servers/URL or on a central server/URL. To join, neighbours and organisations must verify that they live in the town, fill out a basic profile, and agree to community norms. Once registered, they receive a daily email bulletin containing posts, events, and announcements from neighbours, local groups, and civic leaders. Users can reply to posts and post their own questions, ideas, events, or announcements on their town's CommonPlace. Civic leaders can also start profile pages and post their own announcements and events, which are included in the bulletin. The Laboratory for Civic Technology is based in the United States of America.

By The Laboratory for Civic Technology

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