by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy

Organization type

Cooperative (worker-owned)

Security Standards

GDPR compliant, AGPL-3.0 license

Digidem Lab

Digidem Lab is a civic tech tool that focuses on designing inclusive processes for citizen participation. The tool is aimed at involving under-represented groups and uses international experiences and methods to design citizen-centred processes. The platform uses Decidim, a leading digital platform for citizen participation, to conduct dialogues and streamline the process for local authorities. Digidem Lab also provides process development and digital tools for participatory budgets. Additionally, Digidem Lab offers training in community organising, which enables individuals to organise with their local community and create the change they want to see. Digidem Lab is based in Göteborg, Sweden.

By Decidim Sweden

Contact information
Email: Pierre Mesure