by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy

Organization type

Private, For Profit

Security Standards

DSGVO compliant


CrowdInsights offers a cloud-based SaaS solution for online community and stakeholder engagement and participation. Besides providing a fully customizable online platform, CrowdInsights services include the set-up of the participation process by working with the customer to identify relevant stakeholder groups and to formulate the right questions to ensure efficient and meaningful community participation that can yield actionable results. Based on the collection of ideas and input by participants on a given topic or question, CrowdInsights evaluates the information through AI-supported qualitative content analysis, in order to gain new insights and information. Furthermore, CrowdInsights offers the integration of existing open-source participation software, such as adhocracy+ or CONSUL, and are planning to make their own software open-source in the future.

By Crowdinsights GmbH

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