by Innovation in Politics Institute


By Cyber Emphasis Private Limited Company

Electobox is a safe and user-friendly online voting platform that can handle elections and referendums of any size. To guarantee voter privacy, election integrity, and voting transparency, Electobox uses a cutting-edge security system and powerful cryptographic algorithms. Cyber Emphasis PLC is based in Athens, Greece. The platform is mostly used for online voting. Electobox is adjustable to almost any organisation's needs and can be used by governments, student associations, municipalities, or anything in between.

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Main Functions


Organization type


Security standards

GDPR compliant


Electobox is a safe and user-friendly online voting platform that can handle elections and referendums of any size. To guarantee voter privacy, election integrity, and voting transparency, Electobox uses a cutting-edge security system and powerful cryptographic algorithms. Cyber Emphasis PLC is based in Athens, Greece. The platform is mostly used for online voting. Electobox is adjustable to almost any organisation's needs and can be used by governments, student associations, municipalities, or anything in between.

By Cyber Emphasis Private Limited Company

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