by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy


Main Functions

Software Type



Organization type

University project now under a general public license

Pricing Scheme

Since it's a University project the software is free, but donations are encouraged here

Security Standards

GDPR Compliant


Belenios is an open-source, web-based, online voting software. It seeks to offer a user-friendly voting system while ensuring advanced security, namely vote privacy and verifiability. It may be used in a variety of elections, including referendums, for everything from sports groups to scientific bodies. Belenios is an Inria-CNRS- Université Lorraine - Loria joint project, there is no official headquarter but the project is based in France. The software is customizable according to the trustee. The new version, released in December 2022, features a new method for conducting elections, in which the various stages of the election process (such as submitting ballots) are linked together.

By Belenios

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