by the Innovation in Politics Institute
The online magazine for digital democracy



Organization type


Pricing Scheme

There are three pricing schemes. The "basic" plan starts from 750€/year, the "business" plan starts from 1500€/year, and the "enterprise" plan can be customised upon request


Yes, accessible for the visually impaired

Security Standards

Yes, GDPR and LODP compliant


Appsamblea is a convenient and secure online voting system. Appsamblea adapts to the particularities of each type of organisation or company, of any size or type. The tool is intuitive and guides the user through the entire voting process, being a platform focused on voters of all ages. The administrator must set up the vote, upload the voter list and launch the vote. Voters will then receive a notification so that they can verify their identity, access the ballot and participate in it. The administrator must create an account on Appsamblea. Voters will be invited and only the first time they access a vote, they must complete a simple registration and verify their identity. Appsamblea uses the KYC (Know your customer) system, in which the ID card is used to verify the identity of the user. This is a simple method for the voter in which a few photos of the ID card and a selfie of the person are taken to verify their identity. This system is widely used in citizen participation initiatives such as voting in assemblies, universities, cooperatives, or union elections. Appsamblea is based in Bilbao, Spain.

By Appsemblea

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